
Showing posts from April, 2019

Training for Godliness and Legalism

April 7, 2019   My schedule for March was to memorize 1 Timothy,  2 Timothy and Titus.  Praise God that now they are in my weekly review.  I'm also now currently memorizing 1 Peter and I notice that all these 4 books have theme for training in godliness. It happens these are what I need now in my situation in my work. April 10, 2019 Thankful to God that I have now memorized 1st Peter. Lately I've been inspired of this one site  which gives me mixed thoughts on what I am doing. It gives me the strong conviction that what  I am doing now, hiding the precious words of my saviour in my heart in a systematic way with a goal - is indeed a well time spent. This is a way I could put the word of truth in my heart in order that I could use it, that I could walk it out. However there was a part of that site that gives a strong warning regarding legalism, from that site it defines it as:   "Legality is a mechanical and e