Memorizing Methods

My memorizing methods has evolved so many times, I know everyone has their own way and I'd like to document all ways I tried and see which ones works for me as time pass by. We all change in time, like brain muscle tone may improve in time, our motivation might get stronger or lax and many other factors. I'd like to look into it in a positive way for we have a supernatural God who is able to do far more abundantly than what we could ever ask or think (Ephesians 3:20).

The very first post in my memorization method was on Nov 2015 - that was when I initially memorized John. Then on my final month, I documented again on March 2016 which I think the whole schedule was too difficult to maintain in long run because I put too many things like reading and Psalms added in daily/weekly schedules. Then I revised my 5-Year-Plan, I tweaked my method schedules on Oct 2019 to make it simpler and also my daily schedule looks more simpler - well at least for me.

On November 2019, I am quite inspired by someone named David who memorized Philippians and Philemon in one week out of desperation that he has difficulty in reading due to a sight related condition. His way is recording his voice and re-playing it, also noting the areas that are difficult to recite - we both has the same method to use a single bible, for we can remember say 'this passage is in upper left portion'. Now I am trying to adapt his style and see if it would have better progress.

15 - Nov -2019
I have revised my new verses memorization and also reviewing methods for those memorized chapters.


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