
Showing posts from 2020

Hold Memorization Activity

Romans has been really a very enlightening book for me. However I promise myself to hold on to what I only attain, I wasn't able to finish it and have not reviewed...but I will not give up in my lifetime for this quest. Its delay but not completely end. The best insight I had was "The one who love another has fulfilled the law". Recently, I joined a community that are very supportive with each other, welcome each other and celebrate each other's success. The aim of the team is to achieve their dreams and each helps each other. It happens that my struggle in unable to complete my goals in memorization is because I need more time, having multiple jobs and other responsibilities (of course I love to spend time with my family). It was so different than the "Romans group" that I had, maybe its just I was not able to find like minded people in that group. Only a few and the rest needs a lot of inspiration...and I can't blame anyone, Memorizing is not for e