
Showing posts from February, 2016

Another Memorization Setback at John 13 (The first setback was at John 6)

Just to refresh that the last setback I had was when I was memorizing John 6. The circumstance that time was that I changed from full time to part time job. When I started to work from home, having so much time and facing adjustments of routines - had resulted not favourably to my memorization goals. I was delayed for more than a month in my memorization schedules. Now I am in John 13 and had another setback. The circumstance now that I faced is that we had 8 days vacation in Philippines and I could not bring my nanny because of her unsettled paper works. Thus when I was in Philippines, I focused on looking after my 23 month old son and adjustment in the houses we stayed and places we went to. Another reason I think that prevent me was the context of what I was memorizing. The first setback on John 6 is partly because that was the longest chapter I tried to commit to memory and the story I was memorizing was full of "words that are spirit", something not easily understood.