Another Memorization Setback at John 13 (The first setback was at John 6)

Just to refresh that the last setback I had was when I was memorizing John 6. The circumstance that time was that I changed from full time to part time job. When I started to work from home, having so much time and facing adjustments of routines - had resulted not favourably to my memorization goals. I was delayed for more than a month in my memorization schedules.

Now I am in John 13 and had another setback. The circumstance now that I faced is that we had 8 days vacation in Philippines and I could not bring my nanny because of her unsettled paper works. Thus when I was in Philippines, I focused on looking after my 23 month old son and adjustment in the houses we stayed and places we went to. Another reason I think that prevent me was the context of what I was memorizing. The first setback on John 6 is partly because that was the longest chapter I tried to commit to memory and the story I was memorizing was full of "words that are spirit", something not easily understood. That is maybe the reason why the author did a lot of repetitive phrases (which makes that chapter tricky to recite perfectly) like how many "bread", how many "eternal life" how many "will live forever" and the kind. Now on John 13, it was about Lord Jesus washing of disciples feet. This makes it difficult for my brain to remember something that we don't do nowadays but I know that there are spiritual reasons why it was there, that I will sure to grasp once I put dedicated time and my whole heart to ask God's help to understand what the Lord was telling us on this chapter.

As of February 12, 2016, and I should have been in the 10th verse of John 14 but I haven't memorized any from John 13 - meaning I am about 9 days delayed, that's 9x5 verses - 45 verses to catch up. Yesterday I was bombarded by 230 verses to review on Memverse (  and I've just had reviewed my isolated verses in Anki ( I did it online today since my phone didn't turn on (dead-bat). Now I am working on adjusting my book memorization schedule so that I wont be overwhelmed.

I would say in the first place that the decision to pick up Gospel of John too soon is not a safe decision for me, (base on advises online that after having 2 years of experience of book memorization then that's the good time to pick a book like John, but I only had 6 months book memorization experience the time I picked John). Nevertheless, I believe that if the desire was planted in one's heart, which is according to God's will, nothing is impossible if we hold fast in asking God for the strength and wisdom needed to complete the task.

I believe it is important to write down the setback like a diary so that if it happens again, we will know how to stand back on, what caused it and I might even avoid the setback. I know I should have written also the "success" times and the great insights but they are just too many to write and too great to put into right words that could describe them, its just so great experience I will never exchange to anything.

As of 17 Feb 2016, I remembered the delight I had when I was watching the TV drama series especially when I was in Philippines. The delight was fleeting, comparing to the words I memorized, for the words I memorized will stay with me, I will have to review at least once a month for the rest of my life, just as this Psalms 119:44 says ... I will keep His law continually, forever and ever. Oh wait a minute, I got the time to watch TV drama series with my relatives when I was in Philippines... but I was not able to put time to my memory work! I had to repent that I did not make the best of my time then (as said in Ephesians 5:16 ..make the best use of time for the days are evil). Now I understand by experience the saying "The bible will keep you away from sin or sin will keep you away from the bible". I would totally understand anyone who loves to watch TV as it is something I could scarcely overcome last week, my mind reasons out it was OK but the fruits I had out of it shows it isn't. My point is Psalms 101:3 says "I will set no wicked thing before my eyes...", the TV drama I watched ended that the villain killed a few people, and almost killed the hero in an horrific way. Even I try to focus on the good things - love, compassion and justice prevailed at the end, I couldn't avoid seeing hint of sex and violence. Besides that its not easy to take away my eyes on the commercials that are full of lust and suggesting that coveting feels good, I could turn away my eyes but I still could hear some... and I can't rebuke it!. Also, that time I indulged in godless chatter as the whole crowd who was watching with me are all totally absorbed by the story. The bible's is clear to avoid such chatter for it only leads into more and more ungodliness (2 Timothy 2:16).

Psalms 119:43-44
And take not the word of truth utterly out of my mouth,
    for my hope is in your rules.

44 I will keep your law continually,
    forever and ever,

I thought it was fine to watch a bit of TV shows, for the sake of camaraderie but I realized its not worth to the damage to my soul and my walk in faith. Truly some temptations are very subtle, if it doesn't feel good then no one will be tempted. Honestly at earlier point of my life I don't even realize that I'm wasting my precious time on secular TV, web, movies and the like, until I had enough words of truth in my heart from the bible. James 4:17 says whoever knows the right thing to do but fails to do it, for him it is sin.  I've repented this sin (and all my ungodly imaginations because I watched those unwholesome TV programs). I am glad to say that it produced endurance for me to resist this kind of temptation. Nowadays whenever someone turns on the TV then I will quietly go to my room.

Well, I know I may sound like someone who do not know how to enjoy earthly life. I am exchanging the fleeting happiness in vanities for lasting things that only God can give.

At times I have these setbacks, I'd remind myself why I am doing this, well I always end up glorifying God for giving me the blessing and privilege to utter his words and hide them in my heart. What is better than to feel the peace from the Lord in any circumstances? Having His words in our hearts to remind the things freely given to us is all worth it. I look forward that the Lord will be glorified in me as I continue to bear fruits for Him, and to witness for Him through the words that he plants in my heart.

I press on toward the goal for the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. Philippians 3:14


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