
Showing posts from June, 2016

Memorization Schedule to be Extended & Testimony of God's Providence

It has been a long time since I updated my blog. I am doing all I could to hold on to what I already memorized, honestly some had slipped. When my work was changed from full-time to part time seven months ago, my memorization improved so much. It required me more time as I had more things to review but I was so peaceful and makes it easier for me to learn new information. Indeed verses that I memorized helped me so much in times of difficulty. The circumstances have changed recently, my husband may lost his job (though he found a better job after, thanks to God), this circumstance pushed me to find a full time job again. I still have my part time but it cannot sustain all our expenses in Singapore if my husband will be out of job nor pay-off the investments we have started paying. I thought it would be nearly impossible for me to have another job on the same field I am doing, by the way I am an ERP consultant - MS Dynamics AX to be exact. It is because for the past year that I fell