Memorization Schedule to be Extended & Testimony of God's Providence

It has been a long time since I updated my blog. I am doing all I could to hold on to what I already memorized, honestly some had slipped. When my work was changed from full-time to part time seven months ago, my memorization improved so much. It required me more time as I had more things to review but I was so peaceful and makes it easier for me to learn new information.

Indeed verses that I memorized helped me so much in times of difficulty. The circumstances have changed recently, my husband may lost his job (though he found a better job after, thanks to God), this circumstance pushed me to find a full time job again. I still have my part time but it cannot sustain all our expenses in Singapore if my husband will be out of job nor pay-off the investments we have started paying.

I thought it would be nearly impossible for me to have another job on the same field I am doing, by the way I am an ERP consultant - MS Dynamics AX to be exact. It is because for the past year that I fell in love in God's words, I see worldly pursuits vain and did not enhance my knowledge in my field. I am actually have the peace and content and also we were looking forward to go back in our home country to just do business in God's will once we paid off the investments. In IT if you do not upgrade your knowledge, skills and experience on the latest technology, you will be left by the market, it will be difficult to transfer job or find a new job in the same forte. In my part-time job company, we are using a very old version of that ERP. It would be quite difficult to find a company who would trust that I can support the latest version  they are in. We prayed as a family, including our Christian elders and God is in our side. Now I was accepted in a good company with good pay who uses a higher version I am not yet trained. Now I have to do lots of overtime and work at home to catch up, but I know this isn't take long I will be comfortable soon on the new version.

It was like a miracle! It is God's favor! Nothing is impossible with Him. When my boss explained why they think of opening this new position, his reasons just brings me goose bumps! I just felt although I am short in terms of way-behind-version, I knew I can do the job in God's help and I felt it was the best job post available for me in salary and job scope. We serve a great God!

In my heart I know I just have to work a few years more, God willing and once all the properties the Lord had given in our stewardship are fully paid then we can go back in our home country and serve in the Lord's ministry.

Surely this change will effect my memorization targets. I would serve my company as to how I serve the Lord, that is what I learned in Ephesians. I trust the Lord will give me wisdom as I now study a lot to perform well in my job. However this would be a great chance to put into action those Words I had already hidden in my heart. I believe when our ERP implementation is stable, I can go back again to my normal schedules of memorization. All glory to God!


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