
Showing posts from 2017

Going Back to Memorization

I am now 39 weeks on my pregnancy and had my maternity leave. The change in lifestyle of being so free got me so bothered initially. Then I find myself so fond of TV series that our new cable provider have- it was so convenient because it is recorded and I can watch at anytime. Then those I watched cling to me that sometimes I lose sleep and sometimes my desires are being worldly.  Thus I get back to reviewing my memverse and the Word of God lift me up on top of my situation. Now I decided to get back on book memorization. In fact today is my 3rd day in memorizing book of Romans, for I know this book tackles about indwelling sin. This is the dose of my own medicine, thanks be to God and His word and the Holy Spirit who guides us in living in this fallen world.   **Update, this was the post when I am in a struggle to do my memorization and I was in long Hiatus. I am glad to update after two years I was able to get back to memorization and determined to never let go of this activity

The Path is Not Straight Up

May 2017   Its been 3 months since I last posted here. I know I am in the hiatus of memorizing. One reason is my difficult pregnancy - almost 4 months now and always dizzy yet I praise God for this blessings!   One more thing is its now a challenge to keep the books I memorized because of adjustments in my new work with almost no Christian around here, there is only one Christian I know who is not always in our office, he is in the other building. I'm still adjusting seeing people offering and celebrating different many gods and the company culture, usually they don't speak in English but most can only speak local Chinese, so I am usually alienated.    Sometimes I use my little spare time to sit down and watch nonsense things on TV to divert my mind off work, sometimes I use my very little spare time browsing non sense Facebook wall posts. I admit I rarely study the bible and keep me closer to unfruitful works instead.   Something happened today that "forc