
Showing posts from February, 2021

2 Peter has been Memorized

Glad to document that I'm now in my daily recital of 2nd Peter. It took me 20 days to hide in my heart and maybe I will need a week of daily recital to make it smooth. I'm now in the midst of Galatians 1st chapter, looking forward to complete all new verses by midst of next month (Feb 5-Mar 15, 2021). I had planned to try to review 1st Peter (last review was last year) at same time as taking new verses, but my progress is not so good for this one, things are getting busy. Anyway, the most important is that I am on track with my new verses and reviewing my "just memorized" ones. I found the value of logging my progress, whenever I am on some delays, I look back on my logs and see how I recover, taking one step at a time, looking forward for the benefits I am reaping as I grow in the knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I felt being cleansed by His words, renewing my mind by reviewing His words than focusing on other non-essential things that adds burden in lif