Introduction - My Dream of a Lifetime and Eternity

A desire has been planted in my heart to hide God's word in my heart, started in a few isolated verses then entire chapters then now on books. I thought If I would dream, I'll dream a BIG dream, something I will do for my entire lifetime and bear fruit for eternity. I dream to be a walking bible, to memorize the entire ESV bible, some NKJV for some OT songs I learned from our church. I know that if we don't put a deadline in a goal, it is very hard to attain. Therefore I will focus on the New Testament memorization in Five Years then come back and see at what phase I can feasibly complete Old Testament. I am also open to the possibility that I may not complete the whole bible, but at least the New testament I would really pray hard to achieve this even it takes me 10 years.

I created this blog to keep myself accountable and at the same time encourage others who are on the same boat, or as a pay forward for many blogs that I've read that led me to be encouraged on this goal.

Honestly my initial reason is to keep my thoughts captive to obey Christ, since there are times that my mind wanders to unworthy things, I am still learning my faith and this practice helped me to focus my thoughts in the light of the greatest commandment - loving the Lord with all my heart and all my soul and all my might; to focus on the Truth. The truth is the WORD who became flesh -- Jesus Christ our Lord. What could be more valuable than God's Words! It is the light to my feet and a lamp to my path.

Through this practice I understand more the life that God wanted for me to be an obedient follower of Christ, and doing it with His peace in my heart. The Holy Spirit guides us along the way leading to all truth, but sometimes it is hard to distinguish whose voice we are hearing, because the devil is still out there. Therefore it would be very helpful that every thought that comes across our minds can be validated by the words that we have hidden in our heart, and the Holy Spirit can readily access and our minds can validate.

I tremble on the word of God. This is such a privilege that I keep on submitting myself to God in prayers and fellowship to give me grace to accomplish this goal. I do not want to be compared to the Pharisees who search for the scriptures thinking in them they have eternal life but fails to understand the scriptures leads to Jesus Christ who is the only way to have eternal life(John 5:39-40).

I know that with wrong motives our good works or self seeking righteousness can be compared to filthy garment in the eyes of the Lord, therefore I keep on asking the Lord in my daily practice that this will not be a stumbling block to obey His other commandments such as loving my neighbour as myself, and to make disciples.

Though I am careful not to pressure those around me that they have to imitate this practice of book memorization. I've got so many benefits and I could list them soon. I would encourage everyone to memorize some topical verses. I am still learning and preparing myself, I aim that this practice of memorization will be a vehicle to fulfil God's will in my life. 

Glory be to God the Father through Jesus Christ our Lord, apart from the Lord I can do nothing.

Catleya - Redeemed by Christ


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