Revised 5-Year Plan to Memorize New Testament (2019-2023) Note: 2nd Attempt That I didn't Achieved YET!

I was inspired from a post "You Can Memorize the New Testament". Thus I created my initial ideal plan 5 year plan, which I posted on Dec 2015. However, I have a two year hiatus from 2017-2018 which I consider also a blessing for I know how was my life when I stopped this activity, then I have now revised my 5-year goal, in God's will and His grace.

I've re-memorized my 8 books and Romans 8 from January to October 2019, in this image below at date of writing I am working on Romans. I'm praying for the Lord's strength to complete by end of 2023 and I am open to revise no matter what helps to complete this in God's grace. This excel file below has formulas and also has 2 days break or interval between books like a grace period, then I usually change 'Plan start date' depends if the 'Actual End Date' of the last book was different than planned.

This time I have some brothers and sisters who are memorizing too thus I look forward it is getting more feasible - thanks the Lord!. If anyone is interested to have a memorizing accountability, let me know for the next book ahead we can connect in messenger or WhatsApp and exchange encouragements (my e-mail is

I'd like to note that the order of books to be memorized are not final, I usually change it depending on circumstance like maybe I could join another memorizer or which book I might need on my current situation for example.

20 Jan 2024
I had a hiatus again due to switching jobs and I got to take certification exams that needs to focus on BABOK (the bible of Business Analysts). I'm grateful to God that I passed the exam and successfully switched to a Senior Business Analyst role see me on LinkedIn here  Catleya Daganato Cura | LinkedIn . God has really favored me because that was the first time for me to apply for a BA role and got accepted on the first job I applied even after I already resigned my previous job means without bargaining power for salary, but God impressed to me to radically ask 40% increase than my previous salary, which helped me land to amount so close to it. God is amazing! 

So now I had more time to go back to my plan to memorize the New Testament. Now I gave more grace to myself to make it in 7 years if God's will to give way for review because I want to keep everything I memorize forever. Maybe I will miss some articles but as long I don't change the message or drop significant words, I'll be really honored to meditate His precious words that lasts forever. 



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