Memorizing Plan for the Book of Romans (Progress of John and NT Reading Times)

Oct 9, 2019

I’m on the last chapter of Gospel of John already as below schedule and planning for my next book already. You've notice I gave a lot of grace to myself on my schedule. Two days ago I haven't reviewed any old book and then yesterday I memorized 1 verse only as I am not feeling so well, so I take a day off from work today and I just changed the plan that suites me. 

Here I am after feeling quite well rested in the Lord's help, planning for my next book already, this is one of a critical part which I already got the hang of it and loving this stage, like a kick-off. I thank the Lord for giving me the motivation I need although I still couldn't find a partner to memorize with, if you know anyone please contact me (, even you're in the other side of the world!

I’ve chosen Romans because I’ve read a few Christian blogs that they have memorized this book too and found so much insight. This is more known as the Gospel according to Paul. Here a blog that encouraged me - this link, though I didn't personally know the author of that article. Also, I have already memorized Romans 8 and loved reciting it whenever I need encouragements!.  I thought it would be simpler to see in my overall plan the whole book than an isolated chapter. Romans 8 is a joy in my heart, in fact I somehow remember it whenever I eat Roti Prata, one of my favorite comfort food, as these verses in Psalm 119 says how I feel and pray whenever I am in difficult times, and most of those promises can be found in Romans 8.

Psalm 119:49-50 ESV

 Remember your word to your servant,
    in which you have made me hope.
  This is my comfort in my affliction,
    that your promise gives me life.

Same as how I planned for John, I created an excel worksheet with all the chapters and number of verses and tried to “chunk” it to manageable group which may take about 20 minutes. You may notice I put chapter 8 with zero verses because I already memorized that 4 years ago. How I came up with this chunk is I found this reading times below that shows Romans should take 60 minutes to read (and I am slower than these marks), so my target per chunk is 20 minutes so it needs 3 chunks of 20 minutes to complete this book ideally. Thus 394 verses divide 3 makes around 130 verses per chunk, then I coloured them to easily distinguish. There is a column for ‘Run all verses’ which starts in 1,651 – the total verses I have memorized so far in the New Testament in God’s grace (not that I can perfectly recall each verses). The statistics keeps me encouraged like how much percent I’ve been doing for every chapter. Means after this, on midst of December 2019, I should have memorized 26% of NT, if the Lord allows. 

Reading Times of New Testament Books, I just googled this and easily found this image below

Looking forward for another rewarding journey of hiding this treasure in my heart. 



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