
Showing posts from February, 2019

Philippians - Memorizing Journey

Feb 11, 2019 After memorizing the book of Ephesians, I am still in daily review but I feel I still can take new verses rather than purely reviewing. I remember that when I was reviewing James,  I couldn't perfectly recite it yet but I take in new verses of another book and through out the next few month reviewing I can perfectly recite it. Now I am taking Philippians,  2nd day and I have 15 verses already. It is such a lovely book, full of graceful words which rejoices my heart.   Feb 16,2019 I've finished memorizing Philippians 1 and started in Chapter 2. Ephesians daily review for 7 days is done and maybe I'll review after 3 days if I can safely put it in weekly review.  Feels good to be on track.  I created a new plan of memorizing the new testament with monthly separate tab. Documenting every step so I can repeat the method in every book on the way.   Feb 19, 2019 I am scheduled to finish memorizing Philippians 2 tomorrow.  As always,  I am one day advanc

Re-Memorizing Ephesians

Feb 6, 2019   I'd like to emphasize that now that I returned in this practice (about two weeks now),  all the days seemed important, not only weekends which was used to be my favorite. I look forward even to go to work because the dead times are profitable time to complete my goals.  The world has lost its attraction to me,  I didn't need to spend money out to entertain myself or watch tv for hours because of the word of truth reminds me my position in Christ.   I hastily memorize this book before I embark memorizing the Gospel of John.  Because I was too excited to start in John,  I didn't follow my review schedules.  Then comes my long period - two years that I stopped reviewing any books. (it was a very difficult time for me, like a malnourished child from word of truth). As a result,  Ephesians is now difficult to re-memorize,  at least compared to James, which I really spent good time of review. I now learn the lesson of following my review schedules,  mast

Re-Memorizing Entire Books of Bible after Long Hiatus

Feb 2019 Hiatus means a pause or break in an activity. I didn't realized it has happened to me, as if I left in my home and searched an unknown place - nothing but barrenness and dessert without the constant words of God in my memories. Many reasons, like my change of job , change of systems in our company that needs more re-learning, pregnancy, death of a beloved brother in Christ (Bro Henry) who the Lord helped to lead me to him after I became agnostic. Whatever the reasons are, I am glad I realized how is my life without this activity - it is a blessing in disguise and now I know I will do this forever this time as long the Lord gives me life.    It was a while that I paused memorizing and reviewing my memorized books,  about two years (2017-2018). Those times were the most difficult days of my life since I knew our Lord,  because I seem to forgot the hope to which I was called out of my stress in every area of my life. Memorization makes me more aware of the glorious