Re-Memorizing Ephesians

Feb 6, 2019
I'd like to emphasize that now that I returned in this practice (about two weeks now),  all the days seemed important, not only weekends which was used to be my favorite. I look forward even to go to work because the dead times are profitable time to complete my goals. 

The world has lost its attraction to me,  I didn't need to spend money out to entertain myself or watch tv for hours because of the word of truth reminds me my position in Christ.
I hastily memorize this book before I embark memorizing the Gospel of John.  Because I was too excited to start in John,  I didn't follow my review schedules.  Then comes my long period - two years that I stopped reviewing any books. (it was a very difficult time for me, like a malnourished child from word of truth). As a result,  Ephesians is now difficult to re-memorize,  at least compared to James, which I really spent good time of review.

I now learn the lesson of following my review schedules,  master the little I know before embarking to new materials. At first, it was not easy to get myself in the groove but now I am really taking it like sweet honey, so good for my soul.  I find myself quoting the prayers when I'm half asleep,  '...I bow my knees to the Father...  that according to the riches of his glory, He may grant you to be strengthened with power through His spirit in your inner being,  that Christ may dwell in your hearts through faith,  that you being rooted and grounded in love may find the strength to comprehend along with the saints, what is the breadth and length and height and depth nd what is the love of Christ which surpasses knowledge, that you may be filled with all the fullness of God'  and I also find myself quoting verses from this book while I'm talking with my son Gabriel,  during our 'important talk'  portion before how I say that bible reminds us 'what is the hope we are called, what are the riches of his glorious inheritance in the saints and what is the immesureable greatness of His power towards us who believe'.

This book just enable me to speak with bible truths easily with my son. Thank you oh Lord that you didn't take away from me the grace to hide your precious words in my heart. I'm now half of the book by the way.
Today I purchase waterproof bibles online.  This is after being inspired by a missionary named John Chau who was saved by his waterproof bible when someone strike him with arrows - who later died trying to reach that same tribe,  knowing his life is endangered. Anyway,  I bought a few for giving as gift.

Feb 28, 2019
I check this entry and I realized, even I am not yet done in my daily reviews, I embark into new books. Well lets see how it goes.

March 8,2019
I put this book on a weekly review,  my plan worked,  thanks to God. I can recite this easily without checking in the bible. Means it is ok to take in new book memorization while nailing a newly memorized book in a daily review, means I could achieve my goal and in fact I am ahead schedule. 



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