Gospel of John and Apologetics

Gospel of John and My Take in Apologetics


Three years ago, I memorized this Gospel and yet I have not followed the schedules of review. On 12th April 2019 I started to re-memorize it and now in God's grace I am now in Chapter 13. This is again the stumbling block I remembered when the first time I memorize this book, when I go to this Chapter, I tend to procrastinate and watches videos (like the Gospel of John ) to be able to move on. It helps on memorizing because through the movie it can imagine the materials I am storing in my heart.

I have linked this to that Gospel of John Movie that seem to be very faithfully represented the Bible.

However while I was at YouTube watching Gospel of John, I run into apologist debates and I was really so astound how Christianity stood up. For example those from William Craig and Ravi Zacharias. I even stayed awake until 2AM to watch a video of William Craig vs Richard Dawkins on existence of God, although it was a group debate not only them. When I became an agnostic for about four years before I became Christian on 2012, the last book that sealed my actual belief then was "The God Delusion" by Richard Dawkins. I thought that time when I read that book it just helped me realized that I was an agnostic all along because I didn't fully understand what was the faith I was professing because my actions shows otherwise. Well I am not proud the decisions I have done before, I think I embraced being agnostic because it was so convenient for my flesh, I believed then some people who turned away from truth because my heart has deceived me because of my own deceitful desires.

I feel extremely glad to hear someone like William Craig debunk those arguments that Richard Dawkins made. I'm really inspired now that there are many great minds that are out to debate in public that God exists in the middle of this emerging atheistic culture. It gives me the confidence to raise my children with rational thinking and not just blind faith because there are many examples of great minds who can explain why Christianity is true with evidence of secular wisdom. I think if people had known so much of the bible, read the Gospel of John many times, or better yet watch the movie above they would not be led to same decisions I made before, doubting the existence of God.

I believe that for Christians who are passionate about the Lord, knowing the evidence that leads to the truth, know the bible so much, especially the Gospel of John, it is just impossible not to do some apologetics in some situations that calls for it.


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