
Showing posts from 2015

Decision changes in Bible Version from ESV to NKJV or retain?

After our bible Marathon cum fasting today, I've been thinking about changing my memorization bible from ESV to NKJV, just a try. So far I am working on my 7th book on my 7th month, that is 14% of the NT. This is not an easy decision to make. Considering I had 1,031 memorized verse base on  and 438+ isolated verse in my AnkiDroid. I've research again why I chose ESV over NKJV despite that our church mainly uses NKJV. Well, the main reason is its readability and that I could not find an audio bible that is in NKJV while ESV had in YouVersion and Bible.Is. Honestly, my heart is so close to ESV as I've started memorizing from it. However, for the sake of the unity of the church, it is wiser for me to use NKJV, they are not too different anyway, just a few words are different in every verse or order of words. Besides if I would continue to memorize in ESV and back and forth sing in NKJV, it takes a lot of work for my mind to remember my ESV since as I sing

Sample Weekly Schedule - After Completion

Psalm 90:12   So teach us to number our days      that we may get a heart of wisdom. From my previous blog which has ended yesterday, I've made a few variations and I also marked my results. I felt quite frustrated that I am not able to recite Ephesians 2 and some of the other books entirely from memory. Its ironic that when I got more time since the Lord enabled me to do freelance work than fulltime, I could do less of my memory work. The enemy is more active when we had so much idle time. But since I am documenting my progress and failures, I know where to focus and change to achieve the goal implanted in my heart. My solution for these setback is research on what other Christians who had been successful had done to overcome setbacks. I am comforted that many memorizers have this same experiences. The reason why I had this setback is because I am not consistent in my review schedule and memorization m

Sample Weekly Schedule - Plan stage

Here's a sample of my weekly schedule, I put a label actual to put what actually I followed base on my targets. I printed this and post on the fridge and see how it goes. Note: If you would look in my 5-year plan I put there 5 verses per day only but what I do is I try to memorize more than 5 a day then on the last few days remaining for the chapter, I would use for review. Its like a contingency plan in case there are days that I become busy, at least I am ahead of my schedule than late. Note: The after the fact is documented on Books Review and Memorization Schedule for John Review Review Review Memorize Date D Planned Book Planned Book Planned Book John Gospel Actual 21-Dec-15 M James Psalms 119 John 7-8:1-20 8:21-30   22-Dec-15 T 1 Peter Romans 8 John 7-8-1-30 8:31-38  

Lifestyle Changes as Means of Weeding and Fruits of Memorization

21 December 2015 The changes in my routines and lifestyle has been the fruits of the planted seeds of Words of God in my heart and at the same time, it is the means to make my memorization goals reachable. When I started entire chapter memorizations, that was around April 2015, I was still working as a full time employee. I've tried to walk from office to work and back as well to make the best use of travel time. This might save a little money and good exercise also, and it did worked since I successfully memorized a few psalms without impact to my regular schedule. However, at that time I was still pumping milk for my baby (breastfeeding) and I noticed that my milk production decreased, so I move away from this method. Then when book memorizations was planted in my heart on June 2015, I had to be ruthless on myself. I gave up watching TV on the evening and memorized my first book - James in 2 weeks. Then for the next books, I've chosen to give up my lunch-break leisure t

My Ideal 5-Year Plan (2015-2020) Note: First Attempt Which I Humble Myself I Didnt Make It, my Latest Goal is 2024-2030

This is my initial ideal 5-year plan for memorization, it was the first draft, some things happens that I have to revise it this post '5-Year-Plan 2019-2023' . I used excel formulas to compute the dates and actual verses. I noticed as well that those books that I memorize with more verses than my allotted verses for the day tend to become harder to review in the long run. I might have to update some figures here when I discover a better method along the way. If its really not possible for 5 years, I am open to extend it. May the Lord continue to strengthen me to press forward the goal to complete this and bear fruits that are useful for the present time and the eternal life to come. My weekly schedule looks like this link . I also have a schedule for each book, at date of posting I was on John which I recently posted . Note that orders of the books for not yet memorized is not final yet. Started on 6-June-2015, target end 30-Oct-2019, plus 10% contingency, in God'