Sample Weekly Schedule - After Completion

Psalm 90:12
  So teach us to number our days
    that we may get a heart of wisdom.

From my previous blog

which has ended yesterday, I've made a few variations and I also marked my results.

I felt quite frustrated that I am not able to recite Ephesians 2 and some of the other books entirely from memory. Its ironic that when I got more time since the Lord enabled me to do freelance work than fulltime, I could do less of my memory work. The enemy is more active when we had so much idle time. But since I am documenting my progress and failures, I know where to focus and change to achieve the goal implanted in my heart.

My solution for these setback is research on what other Christians who had been successful had done to overcome setbacks. I am comforted that many memorizers have this same experiences. The reason why I had this setback is because I am not consistent in my review schedule and memorization methods. By right, once I can quote daily in 1 week (with rate of 4: Memorized but hesitant), then I will recite weekly for a month, then monthly for the rest of my life. For Ephesians and the other books I rated 3, I was not yet able to recite the entire book without looking in the bible for an entire week, then I put so quickly in the weekly reciting schedule thus I couldn't recall some verses on these books. Now I see how important to document my review schedules and my rate for each book. I'll make up for it by reciting a couple of times this week those in #3, I'll move #5 for Monthly.

Here's the outcome after a week of my initial plan:

Thanks God for the grace for keeping me on this path of studying and meditating His precious words, to Him be the Glory alone.


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