
Showing posts from March, 2016

3 Things that Improved my Memorization

I've just noticed a remarkable improvement in the number of verses I could memorize in one sitting now, that's maximum of 30 within 45 minutes. A month ago 5-10 verses are quite my maximum effort but now it progressed that I could do 15-30 verses in about 30 to 45 minutes. Here are the things I observed: One change I've done is I tried to be more active . I remember last week, when we play badminton in the evening, I felt so energetic and after I rested an hour I able to memorize 20 verses, wow! then after that it improved even more. Another change that I did is I photocopy the page from my bible what I am memorizing and bring the page wherever I go. In the past I bring my bible but many times my bible almost fell in the watery park and I felt its not so safe to bring it just anywhere. Now the rationale of this is that I met a memorizer from a site, his name is Trevor , who said that he is a visual learner and it helps him to memorize base on the location of the page f

Memorization Schedule for March 2016

I realized that the key to make this memorization goal work is to be organized. I find that this daily schedule below helps me a lot. Well it looks difficult to understand at first glance but well, this is a personal chart that works for me, I'm sure every individual will have something that would work for them specifically. I usually prepare this on the last week of the month for the next month schedule. Columns: Bible Reading I had a separate document for Bible reading which tells me what to read for the day but sometimes I would forgot to do it. I notice that since I never forgot to do my memorization, I put a column here just to put a check if I have done reading for the day. Review and R The first 'Review' column is for the books or entire chapters that I already committed to memory earlier and they may be in weekly, bi-weekly, or bi-monthly or monthly review schedule. I would then rate my review from 1-5 (column R) just like grading .  If I