3 Things that Improved my Memorization

I've just noticed a remarkable improvement in the number of verses I could memorize in one sitting now, that's maximum of 30 within 45 minutes. A month ago 5-10 verses are quite my maximum effort but now it progressed that I could do 15-30 verses in about 30 to 45 minutes. Here are the things I observed:

One change I've done is I tried to be more active. I remember last week, when we play badminton in the evening, I felt so energetic and after I rested an hour I able to memorize 20 verses, wow! then after that it improved even more.

Another change that I did is I photocopy the page from my bible what I am memorizing and bring the page wherever I go. In the past I bring my bible but many times my bible almost fell in the watery park and I felt its not so safe to bring it just anywhere. Now the rationale of this is that I met a memorizer from a site, his name is Trevor, who said that he is a visual learner and it helps him to memorize base on the location of the page from his bible. I think over his learning style and I benefit from it. Photocopying the portion has the same effect since I still can see the text in the same location and its so much easier to carry. (my practice before is I'll copy the text from biblegateway website in a word document and print)

I suspect that another reason why I can now memorize more is because I am now on my 10th month of doing this book memorization with daily consistency (I could miss a few days but get back again to daily either memorize a new passage or review) and that my brain had improved in that area. Trevor who told me he is a visual learner, explained this very well below portion from his e-mail to me:

"As I am sure you have probably noticed, it actually gets easier as you progress. Essentially, you are training your brain to commit the Scriptures to memory and I found eventually your brain notices this and devotes ‘more resources’ to it if I can say it like that. I’m not scientist, just an observer. It’s kind of like working a muscle. The more you work it, the stronger it becomes."

To sum up, aside from the given daily grace from God, (1) being more active, (2) bringing a photocopy from my bible (3) daily consistency over long period which improve brain muscles I guess are the main reasons of my improved memorization.

So I also added in my schedule to walk outside in the park once I wake up and bring a page I'm reviewing, or run in the evenings. I felt that I could memorize John ahead the schedule, and have more time to cement it to permanent memory. Also the other books that I already committed to memory, I'll use the extra days to make them smoother as I recite them.

I also have to say that there is a disadvantage of committing many new verses daily. This means one will need more time to review because the verses for daily review will bulk up. It is not advisable for those who are really busy.

I understand that memorizing is not only the end of this pursuit but also keeping or practicing them and sharing. I cant count how many times that I am in trouble (just last night is a big one) and recalling His promises and meditating in His words helped to put things into perspective. I'm so thankful to our Lord who continues to shower us with grace. I know He controls everything like people we meet and situations to help us to be honed in order that we could bear much fruit.

Glory to God through Jesus Christ our Lord, Amen.


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