Memorization Schedule for March 2016

I realized that the key to make this memorization goal work is to be organized. I find that this daily schedule below helps me a lot. Well it looks difficult to understand at first glance but well, this is a personal chart that works for me, I'm sure every individual will have something that would work for them specifically. I usually prepare this on the last week of the month for the next month schedule.


Bible Reading
I had a separate document for Bible reading which tells me what to read for the day but sometimes I would forgot to do it. I notice that since I never forgot to do my memorization, I put a column here just to put a check if I have done reading for the day.

Review and R
The first 'Review' column is for the books or entire chapters that I already committed to memory earlier and they may be in weekly, bi-weekly, or bi-monthly or monthly review schedule.
I would then rate my review from 1-5 (column R) just like grading. If I had perfectly recite it, I'll put 5, although my target for review is 4 (Memorized but hesitant). If I find it really difficult to recall some texts then I'll mark 3 then I have to put again the book portions for Review in italics on other days that I am free, example below for 4-Mar-13, I put some chapters that I didn't perfectly remember for James and 1 Peter.

Review Psalm
I had a few psalms that I already memorized and I put it in a separate column for easier marking of its rates.

Read Ps (Psalm) and Read Times
As we all know, Psalm 119 is an entire chapter that gives the boosts for memorization, and its the longest chapter in the bible. I find memorization sustainable when I am constantly reminded why I am doing it, this psalm is like an appetizer before my main course. I put here a few verses to read a few times daily then usually I would memorize it effortlessly and then I'll put it in the Review Psalm once its memorized. (Hint: The portion I'm reading I put in a clear folder and hanged on the toilet, each time I go there I'll just read it - and you can guess how many times women needs to!)

Rev John Daily
Once I memorized an entire chapter, I put it on a daily review for 7 days, it is so much easier to put in a separate column as it is easier to count it. Then I will move it into the Review column with the needed intervals (by-weekly, weekly, bi-monthly, monthly).

Memorize John Daily
Here is where I put my daily verses to memorize. To reach my 5-year target for NT, I need to memorize 5 verses daily but I usually put around 10 verses a day then make a few days as contingency in case I miss a day for memorization or just use the contingency days for review.

Finally I put some notes in the remarks like if I forgot to review some parts, or if I memorized ahead or any difficult chapters that I need to take note for next month's schedule.

Date D Bible
Review R Review Psalm R Read Ps Read
John Daily
 John Daily
1-Mar-16 T   Ephesians   Psalm 1   P 119:56-72   14,15 Conting  
2-Mar-16 W   1 Timothy   Psalm 15   P 119:56-72   15,16 17:1-10  
3-Mar-16 TH   2 Timothy,Titus   Psalm 91   P 119:56-72   15,16 17:10-19  
4-Mar-16 F   Jmes 4-5?,1Pet3-5?   Psalm 103   P 119:56-72   15,16 17:19-26  
5-Mar-16 S   John 1-5         16,17 Conting  
6-Mar-16 S   John 6-9       P 119:56-72   16,17 18:1-11  
7-Mar-16 M   John 10-14           16,17 18:11-18  
8-Mar-16 T   John 15-17   P 119:1-16   P 119:56-72   16,17 18:18-27  
9-Mar-16 W   Ephesians   P 119:16-32   P 119:56-72   17 18:27-32  
10-Mar-16 TH   1 Timothy?   P 119:33-48   P 119:56-72   17 18:32-39  
11-Mar-16 F       P 119:48-56   P 119:56-72   17 Conting  
12-Mar-16 S   John 5-6?   P 119:56-72   P 119:73-80   18 Conting  
13-Mar-16 S   Ephesians 4-6?   P 119:56-72?   P 119:73-80   18 Conting  
14-Mar-16 M   John 13-17   P 119:56-72?   P 119:73-80   18 19:1-11  
15-Mar-16 T   James   P 119:1-16   P 119:73-80   18 19:11-19  
16-Mar-16 W   1 Peter   P 119:16-32   P 119:73-80   18 19:19-27  
17-Mar-16 TH   1 Timothy   P 119:33-48   P 119:73-80   18 19:27-37  
18-Mar-16 F   2 Timothy,Titus   P 119:48-56   P 119:73-80   18 19:28-42  
19-Mar-16 S   John 1-5   P 119:56-72?   P 119:73-80   19 Conting  
20-Mar-16 S   John 6-9   P 119:56-72?   P 119:73-80   19 Conting  
21-Mar-16 M   John 10-14       P 119:73-80   19 20:1-10  
22-Mar-16 T   John 15-17   P 119:1-16   P 119:73-80   19 20:10-18  
23-Mar-16 W   Ephesians   P 119:16-32   P 119:73-80   19 20:10-18  
24-Mar-16 TH   Romans 8   P 119:33-48   P 119:73-80   19 20:18-25  
25-Mar-16 F       P 119:48-56   P 119:73-80   19 20:25-30  
26-Mar-16 S   John 1-5   P 119:56-72   P 119:73-80   20 Conting  
27-Mar-16 S   John 6-9       P 119:73-80   20 21:1-8  
28-Mar-16 M   John 10-14       P 119:73-80   20 21:9-19  
29-Mar-16 T   John 15-17       P 119:73-80   20 21:20-25  
30-Mar-16 W   1 Timothy?       P 119:73-80   20 Conting  
31-Mar-16 TH   2 Timothy?,Titus?       P 119:73-80   20 Conting  

For example on 9-Mar-2016, I would :
1. From the Memorize Daily John column, I'll review the yesterday's verses (John 18:18-27) usually I stop when I can recite it from memory 2-4 times.
2. From the column Memorize Daily John memorize John 18:27-32 (notice the overlapping John 18:27, it helps me to link the passage)
3. From the column Review Daily John, review or recite John 17 as well as entire current chapter I am memorizing (John 18:1-27)
4. Check the book in Review column. Recite/review Ephesians (if rate is not so good just add Ephesians on other days that no book for review)
5. From the column Review Psalm. Recite/review Psalm 119:16-32
6. Read Psalms 119:56-72 and put on the read times how many times I read it (portions pasted on the restroom)

I do not target to recite perfectly my daily memorization verses because I noticed that the longer I recall them in a daily basis it just makes the verses smoother in time.

Now I don't try to do all these in one sitting. When I wake up in the morning, I would usually walk outside and recite some chapters for Review. I usually carry wherever I go a page of photocopied portion from my bible. Seeing the verses in the same location where it is in my bible also helps me to recall them. I find it comfortable to just pop out that 1 page when we're on queue in the grocery or bus, park, or even waiting for the other members of my household to sit at mealtimes, or just whenever I find a time that my full attention is not required. Although when I give 100% attention on it, the results are just much better and faster.


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