Now at John 17, one month count down

Today, I've just committed John 17 in my temporary memory. This is another time that I am having goose bumps, as Jesus was praying because I know I am included when he said in verse 20 "I do not ask for these only, but also for those who will believe in me through their word" as if I heard, he prayed "Father, I am praying not only for my disciples but also Catleya and the rest who believed in me", and the last verse "that she will also see my glory that you had given me...", and "I made known to them your name, and I will continue to make it known, that the love with which you have love me may be in them and I in them".  The Lord indeed is our intercessor, we needed Him badly or we will never be worthy to come near to the father unless he would justify us.

Honestly although I had many hard times memorizing the Gospel of John, and that I'm now 84% at 6th month, I didn't regretted I chose this book, it helps me to understand better how God loved us (although I may never fully understand what an amazing grace!) . I admit there was I time I doubt if I would be successful and that this is not a safe option, but now I am only 1 month away! thanks God who strengthens me and continued to guide me. I am now praying what book is the next.


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