Going Back to Memorization on Jan 2021

25 Jan 2021 

For exactly one year now, I hold my memorization goals, you might ask WHY? I tried to do an Online business at end of 2019 in the hope that I would be just working at home if I would succeed. My prayer request is to be able to quit my full time job at age of 40 so I won't need to go to office. However, the ways of the Lord is higher, because of the Pandemic, I was allowed to work from home exactly at age 40 for almost 100%. That's why before the year 2020 ends, I quit the Online business, my motivation was just not there. 

I am so grateful that I now had more time being at home. That's why naturally I returned to my quest to memorize the New Testament. This time, I'd like a slow but sure way. If memorizing 5 verses needs 5 years, and it seem difficult to keep up in some days, then I'll do smaller - 3 verses a day so that needs about 7 years, but considering I had memorized 20% before it shouldn't take that long "IF I WON'T STOP".

My technique now is to re-memorize the old ones while memorizing 3 verses of a new book. I started on Jan 16 and for 7 days, I am able to recall James even though for almost a year I did not review it. I would need to recite this for a week daily then I will put it into a weekly schedule then monthly. Also my new book is 2 Peter and thanks God, my current status now is 2:7. Praying each day that God provides me the daily strength and motivation to push through. 




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