
Showing posts from January, 2024

2 Peter Re-Memorizing - Completed

21 Jan 2024 I'm now on my third day of memorizing 2 Peter, so I am targeting to finish until 15-verse. I'm trying to slow it down although I know I can memorize more than 5 verses but the review later will not be easy so I am trying to stick to my plan, master what little I have to memorize so that review will be a bliss. I had initially memorized this for 20 days but now I am targeting to finish by 12 days and daily review should be completed on the 19th day. Maybe I'll do more than 7 days, will see how rough or smooth would it be. 27 Jan 2024 I've just memorized the first two chapters of 2 Peter. It is a bit rough but this is normal that the first few days will be rough but eventually when I am on my daily review, it will eventually smoothen as it cements to memory even deeper. 3 Feb 2024 I've completed memorizing 2 Peter on end of January. I put it in daily and actually I am now on the 3rd day of Memorizing 1 John. I rarely update my blog because I am now

Re-start my journey on Jan 2024 target to complete on 2030 (3rd Attempt)

It's been 2 years that I stopped my memorizing, and I can't quote any of those 20% of NT that I memorized before. The major reason of this halt is I took a certification exam for CBAP and I reviewed for a year which enable me to switch job to a new company, I'm now on my 5th month. I never had a BA title before but praise God I applied as Senior Business Analyst and I was accepted by grace of God, I know I am highly favored and with my strong faith that God is with me, I also do the works (James 2:26) so that certification is the work that I did as preparation. Now I am able to go back to this quest. I've re-memorized James 1-3 on Monday and Tuesday for James 4-5. On 3rd day I’m able to recite James entirely, which I need to do for 7 days before I put to weekly, then monthly after a month, then monthly for a year then maybe every other month after a year. I also created a calendar with my plan to re-memorize for the whole month.  On 4th day is 1 Peter 1 then on 5th day


12-Jan-2024 I’m in my 5th day since I restart my journey, surprisingly I woke up early at 5AM. I used to drag myself to wake up but I am too excited for my journey I guess so I did my SAVERS from the book Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.: S- Silence spent by praying A- Affirmation in my Miracle Morning apps ( I moved to my red journal written next day to reduce screen on early morning) V- Visualization, I visualize how my day will like incorporating my meditation of His words and how it benefits me and how I love doing it E- It will be my daily scooter to work and back is enough exercise R- See scripture on my scribing schedule S- Scribing - This entry for today, this blog is my journal. My schedule today is to recite 1 Pet 2 first half that I already memorized yesterday, recite 1 Pet 1 & James from memory, then memorize the last half of 1 Pet 2. I also need to record 1 Pet 3 tonight in my iPhone as preparation for tomorrow. @7PM  I’m glad I able to do all my plans.