
I’m in my 5th day since I restart my journey, surprisingly I woke up early at 5AM. I used to drag myself to wake up but I am too excited for my journey I guess so I did my SAVERS from the book Miracle Morning by Hal Elrod.:

S- Silence spent by praying

A- Affirmation in my Miracle Morning apps ( I moved to my red journal written next day to reduce screen on early morning)

V- Visualization, I visualize how my day will like incorporating my meditation of His words and how it benefits me and how I love doing it

E- It will be my daily scooter to work and back is enough exercise

R- See scripture on my scribing schedule

S- Scribing - This entry for today, this blog is my journal. My schedule today is to recite 1 Pet 2 first half that I already memorized yesterday, recite 1 Pet 1 & James from memory, then memorize the last half of 1 Pet 2. I also need to record 1 Pet 3 tonight in my iPhone as preparation for tomorrow.


I’m glad I able to do all my plans. 


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