2 Peter Re-Memorizing - Completed

21 Jan 2024 I'm now on my third day of memorizing 2 Peter, so I am targeting to finish until 15-verse. I'm trying to slow it down although I know I can memorize more than 5 verses but the review later will not be easy so I am trying to stick to my plan, master what little I have to memorize so that review will be a bliss. I had initially memorized this for 20 days but now I am targeting to finish by 12 days and daily review should be completed on the 19th day. Maybe I'll do more than 7 days, will see how rough or smooth would it be.
27 Jan 2024 I've just memorized the first two chapters of 2 Peter. It is a bit rough but this is normal that the first few days will be rough but eventually when I am on my daily review, it will eventually smoothen as it cements to memory even deeper. 3 Feb 2024 I've completed memorizing 2 Peter on end of January. I put it in daily and actually I am now on the 3rd day of Memorizing 1 John. I rarely update my blog because I am now member of another group called "Bible Memory Group" when I am really encouraged more because thare are a lot of like minded people there who had experience my experience, the past when I got burn out and I am not alone. Its just great to finally have a tribe of God word memorizers, together we are strong. Now I dont need to do this like so isolated. I am so grateful, God is sooo good!


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