Re-start my journey on Jan 2024 target to complete on 2030 (3rd Attempt)

It's been 2 years that I stopped my memorizing, and I can't quote any of those 20% of NT that I memorized before. The major reason of this halt is I took a certification exam for CBAP and I reviewed for a year which enable me to switch job to a new company, I'm now on my 5th month. I never had a BA title before but praise God I applied as Senior Business Analyst and I was accepted by grace of God, I know I am highly favored and with my strong faith that God is with me, I also do the works (James 2:26) so that certification is the work that I did as preparation. Now I am able to go back to this quest.

I've re-memorized James 1-3 on Monday and Tuesday for James 4-5. On 3rd day I’m able to recite James entirely, which I need to do for 7 days before I put to weekly, then monthly after a month, then monthly for a year then maybe every other month after a year. I also created a calendar with my plan to re-memorize for the whole month. 

On 4th day is 1 Peter 1 then on 5th day I am on 1st Peter 2. My new strategy is I record each chapter that I’m memorizing in my iPhone voice memo and listen in full speed a few times before I start to memorize it. Whenever I have free time like on travel I use it to confirm if I quoted correctly those I already memorized (1st Peter 1 and James). I still use my Waterproof NT bible (5yrs now) when I can focus like I’m at home or office break on lunch time. My excitements goes back again and I’m enjoying this new hobby, I delight in meditating the Words of my Lord. This is a great way to redeem dead times like travel time since I use my scooter and both my hands are used so I listen with my ear pods and I still can review on my target or confirm my review od memorized chapters. Surprisingly, whatever worries or anxieties I was battling 5 days ago just melts away as I spend my time in His words. Indeed, His words are living and powerful, praise God! 

Here's my new schedule, hopefully completed by May 2030.

17-Jan-2024 - I’m on second week and so far I have adjusted my approach that works better for me. Before I use to bring my NT bible wherever I go but its not convenient when I scooter. Even the recording of my voice for memorizing, I also stopped that approach. The greatest distraction for me is my phone so I try to reduce exposure to it. I now photocopy my NT bible and cut edges to fit in a small resealable plastic (bought from DAISU 2$ shop). Then I clip it to my scooter or just hold it when I am sitting in a bus, see below.

I’m now towards the end of 1st Peter and looks I will completely memorize both James and 1st Peter this month as planned. I’m experiencing so much peace these days and more joy. My lunch hour scootering to hawker is a bliss because there is no time that is wasted, I just look on this little paper and consume the word of truths that remains forever. Whenever I am idle doing something else, the verses I memorized just automatically rehears in my mind instead of those worthless things I use to consume in Youtube or Facebook back then. I even have great breakthroughs in my work. If before when I have a roadblock I would worry, immediately verses pops such us ‘if any of you lacks wisdom, let him ask God.. and it will be given “ and I am prompted to pray and a few hours later the solution comes out. Praise God, His words are powerful and living! 

Here’s when I went for lunch, its in my scooter. Its raining and love goin out with a raincoat, lovely day!

Here’s my weakness - teh ka si, I’m trying to limit my consumption, its just sooo good, makes me more enticed to do my verses today 😊. 

When I had a chance to sit uninterrupted, I’ll put the first letter of words that I’m memorizing, somehow its faster than rote method, any way that works is okay as long as I won’t stop on this daily habit. How precious these journal entries to me, when I read my previous ones after a long time of breaking the habit, my own writing reminds me of the joy and why’s this is so important and I should persevere no matter what.


Its still morning travel to work and I already memorized the whole chapter of 1 Peter 5. I didnt refer to the notebook above just my photocopy. The brain indeed is a muscle that grows with use. I suppose to do only James and 1 Peter for January but looks I got to start 2 Peter tomorrow already. Anyway I memorized these books already 2 years ago, so it makes sense its faster to re-commit to memory word perfect, I might miss an article here and there but that won’t change the context nor any of the message. I give grace to myself as I receive so much grace from my Lord.


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