
Showing posts from 2021

Galatians is almost done, Reviewing 1st Peter

Just want to document that I am in the last chapter of Galatians in my memorizing new book schedule, while reviewing 1st Peter which I had memorized few years ago that I now wanted to be fresh again. Lately I was going into some issue on insecurity and the words that I memorized was the ones that carry me through. When I could not sleep in the night, I would recite a book that I know that could help my situation, recently it was the book of James. I know that there are times this task seem difficult when many other things are pressing to me like a new issue at work, or something that needs my attention but I need to remind myself that if I won't renew my mind with the word of truth, how can I stand over the enemy lies that bombards me day and night? "the adversary prowls around like a lion seeking someone to devour" 1 Peter 5:8. I won't be a casualty again, for as the day goes, I am keeping more fighters weapon in my heart and in my mind. Thanks to His words, they are

2 Peter has been Memorized

Glad to document that I'm now in my daily recital of 2nd Peter. It took me 20 days to hide in my heart and maybe I will need a week of daily recital to make it smooth. I'm now in the midst of Galatians 1st chapter, looking forward to complete all new verses by midst of next month (Feb 5-Mar 15, 2021). I had planned to try to review 1st Peter (last review was last year) at same time as taking new verses, but my progress is not so good for this one, things are getting busy. Anyway, the most important is that I am on track with my new verses and reviewing my "just memorized" ones. I found the value of logging my progress, whenever I am on some delays, I look back on my logs and see how I recover, taking one step at a time, looking forward for the benefits I am reaping as I grow in the knowledge of my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I felt being cleansed by His words, renewing my mind by reviewing His words than focusing on other non-essential things that adds burden in lif

The Most Delightful Time in Kitchen

Haven't realized all pots were used and pile of dishes from morning and so the sink was full 120%! I said "BRING IT ON!", wore my gloves, apron and clipped a photocopy of the part I'm reviewing, happens its 1st Peter that I am so delighted! To recall the grace that I enjoy now, that the Prophets was serving us now and not them on their prophesies about the Christ's cross and the subsequent glories... I had finished all the dishes and almost done with 1st chapter, my heart is full with great things and filled with grace to look forward each day! New verses I memorized today are the first 4 verses of 2 Peter 3. Recited the whole James, and yes I am up to re-"memorize" 1st Peter, this was the 2nd book I memorized a couple of years ago. If I have any regrets in my life recently, it's not being diligent and not reviewing the books I already memorized, and not adding new verses. It was my 2nd longest hiatus (a full year) and in God's grace hoping to co

Going Back to Memorization on Jan 2021

25 Jan 2021  For exactly one year now, I hold my memorization goals, you might ask WHY? I tried to do an Online business at end of 2019 in the hope that I would be just working at home if I would succeed. My prayer request is to be able to quit my full time job at age of 40 so I won't need to go to office. However, the ways of the Lord is higher, because of the Pandemic, I was allowed to work from home exactly at age 40 for almost 100%. That's why before the year 2020 ends, I quit the Online business, my motivation was just not there.  I am so grateful that I now had more time being at home. That's why naturally I returned to my quest to memorize the New Testament. This time, I'd like a slow but sure way. If memorizing 5 verses needs 5 years, and it seem difficult to keep up in some days, then I'll do smaller - 3 verses a day so that needs about 7 years, but considering I had memorized 20% before it shouldn't take that long "IF I WON'T STOP". My te