Beloved Small Book: Titus

September 26, 2019

While I am in the midst of schedule memorizing the Gospel of John (Chapter 18) I decided for something unusual. For the last couple of days and for this week long, I decided to recite to myself Titus every morning, 10 minutes before I step to my office - after all its just 3 short chapters. Why?, first is because it has become rusty when the last time I review it, and second, I am in dire need to remind myself how to behave myself at work lately. "to speak evil of no one", "to show perfect courtesy towards all people".  (Not that I already totally attained it, I am still not successful sometimes that is why I am trying to memorize and hopefully I can 'own' those words I am storing in my heart).

This book (among many others) reminds me I am to the grace of God so it would be easier to extend the grace to others who are not so nice or unfair. I badly need the wisdom of the bible and the strength from the Spirit in my daily life to make sure I won't shrunk in "Coram Deo"... a Latin word to say "in the face of God". Oh how I pray for the grace of the Lord to overflow to me, and this book really helps me. Thanks oh Lord for your inspired word!


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