Benefits I am Reaping on Memorizing the Bible

Last updated on 07 Nov 2019
When I've started this journey of hiding His words in my heart, I was so excited - I can't explain, I just knew this is something that I would do for myself that I wont regret. Well I know how forgetful I am and at first I thought this will be my perfect remedy - to train my brain to retain what I prize. However I got to admit there are times when days are tough it feels overwhelming - as the saying 'the flesh is weak'. Then when I was consistent and active physically, it becomes easier as clock-work and most of the time it turns to be my constant source of joy and anchor as time goes by, as battles won. When times are tough it needs determination, focus and time management, and constant praying for strength from the Lord. This activity makes me feel so fulfilled, doing something that contributes to my goal to be able to follow my Lord... now I only have 21% (as of 24 Oct 2019) memorized in the New Testament, (here's my ideal 5-year plan) a long way to go! I'd like to note here what I have been reaping, and will update this list as I go on the way:

1. Found something worthwhile to do while stuck in anywhere like while travelling, on queues, after lunch, and all those dead times.
     Comparing on how I spend my 'dead times' before which is through media like facebook, too much TV watching, now I am realizing that those things I use to do were wasting of the precious time and I don't feel fulfilled afterwards. Well the desires for Facebook has long been left me, though sometimes I struggled with this mild TV addiction and I believe I am already released (and continue to pray it wont come back again, this is maybe 3rd time), I put it like a journal of how I escaped from this snare, thanks God. Well this is a different topic already, simply put, this activity redeems the time that usually just slips in my fingers.

2. Bible verses I memorized sprung to my mind at the time of need, like when confronted by something fearful, or when I am tempted, or when I'm so glad I wanted to sing praises, or when simply I need to share or pray for something. I may not be successful at all times to apply the verses but something has changed, I have an old post that talks about this too: 'Applications of Memorized Verses'.

    I draw from the verses for my peace of mind in the midst of a world of uncertainty, verses like Isaiah 26:3 "You keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed in you because he trusts in you". Also Psalm 23, 91, 103 among others.

3. It became easier to get the right words when I need to disciple my children, I can easily quote bible verses that's related to our topic, or even when my toddler asks for a story before sleeping (I can paraphrase the events in the life of Jesus, Job, escapades of Paul, Abraham and all other Bible characters). For example I didn't memorize Job but I know the story so I would tell it to my son, then I have more adlib because I memorized James and he mentioned Job is known for steadfastness, and there is a verse saying Job considers scripture more important than his portion of food so that explains why he is so steadfast at the time of unthinkable trial in his life.

4. It feels great that my memory and fruit of the spirit in me gets better and better. Not that I am always successful on these but it certainly a huge help, we all stumble in many ways. For example how to conduct myself at work, not just basing on emotion but on the wisdom in the scripture. Its so amazing to see my progress. If before my nature was to complain, but because of so many verses that tackles about 'do not grumble' - like James & 1 Peter, eventually my system detects before I do it and I can replace my thoughts and so action follows (mostly).
    I am comparing myself to myself few weeks or months or years ago and indeed these 'truths' I'm saving as part of me with the aid of the Spirit really helps a lot for my transformation.

5. I'm finding a new perspective in living.  The scripture renews my mind and shows me my wrong thinking. When I stopped this activity during 2017-2018, all that was on my mind is how to retire in work and worry our resources might not be enough but now I felt content and fulfilled,  purposely spending each day.  I press on toward the goal of the prize of the upward call of God in Christ Jesus. The next time I worry about what the future may bring, I'd remember the words of Jesus in Matthew 6 to do not be anxious for the material needs of the future, but seek first the Kingdom of God and His righteousness and all these things shall follow.

7. This practice is my way of meditating away from overthinking,  for trying to solve everything instead of trusting God with all my heart (Prov. 3:5-6)
     If before, my mind wanders and going into irrelevant things like a closed issue in my work,  or going into cycle what should I have done better... now, I seem to form a habit to replace it with something I could master and gain positive values (On the contrary, I ask myself - what will I gain after watching so much of those TV shows, after a month, years, decades? is there a title 'Master of TV watching?' well at least there are people who they say 'walking bibles' that is much lofty of a goal)

8. I'm continually reminded of the love of God and that he always takes care of me…yes, The Lord is my Shepherd (Psalm 23), who shall separate us from the love of God... (Romans 8).

9. Its really very helpful when I am reading Christian articles because when they say some verses, in a particular book I already memorized, I know the context thus it is easier for me to understand what the author wants to convey, and it gives me a new light on understanding deeper on that book.

10. Drives me to be active physically and eat healthily. If we have a goal, we will try to research what are the ways to achieve that goal and try to remove distractions that keeps us away from the finish line. Science backup and I can testify myself that when I become active, I can easily memorize new materials. So when I see myself getting difficulty to keep up on my memorization schedule, I'd look for ways to improve my health, like exercising and being mindful on what I eat.

11. Planting myself in the source - river of living water. I borrowed this phase from a link here that reminds me that having the memorized verse in my mind is like having the constant flow of His precious word in my life. If I just read the Bible its like taking a drink when I'm thirsty but how much is it better to have yourself plugged into the source that before you feel the need you are constantly nourished. Shouldn't we be a source of life giving inspiration to those around us - how great would it be when we are pricked we bled bible truths! when someone persecute us for doing the right things, instead of feeling like a loser we immediately felt grateful sharing the life of Jesus, an evidence we are in the right track, for we are not of this world but our creator chose us out of the world, else the world would have loved us as its own (John 15:9).

12. Keeps me humble and reminds me to prize the gift of God through the works of Jesus. While memorizing Romans, it reminds me how depraved man is and how important the work of Christ on the cross.

13. It enriches my vocabulary and increases grace in communication. I'm not a native English speaker and I work in Singapore - an English speaking country. Actually common people here wouldn't speak using good grammar - its called 'Singlish'. I still prefer to use better English to be an example for my children and when communicating to other nationalities. I find that because of the vastness of English material I recite aloud and study daily, this helps not to sound 'Singlish'. This benefit is natural by product of this quest since while memorizing we'll naturally observe the grammar construction. Also I find it easier to use the rich vocabulary I've learned from the bible when expressing myself. There are even times I need to google to hear the 'sound' of a new word or use the audio-bible when I am not sure how to pronounce a new word for me, so it really helps for me to improve in this area.

14. Strengthen my belief that our Lord Jesus heals. There was a time that I have almost no bible time for months when I stopped my systematic daily memorization, and was ensnared by worldly thoughts due to watching too much TV and other reasons like no fellowships. The world shows that it the last option to ask God for healing. To top on that the one who taught us divine healing was taken by the Lord on 2017 and so I somehow waver in this concept at that time, and leaned that naturally we could heal. Thanks to the Lord's grace to let be get back to daily nourishment of His words and soaked myself again into His truths, the voices in the world starts to become petty and my faith in Him increased. Indeed faith comes by hearing, and hearing the word of God (Romans 10:17). I realized the brothers and sisters could inspire us but they will not always be with us so it is better to go directly to the source - our Lord and His words in the bible. Philippians 4:6 says do not be anxious for anything and pray for everything, let your request be known to God.  Thus I prayed for everything including the strength to overcome my flesh and voices against going to the Bible. Thus my original confidence in divine healing has been solidify. This is contrary to naturalistic view for if we leaned too much that we will naturally get well in sickness then the fruit will be prayerlessness and ungratefulness. His words are indeed our treasure, for He can never lie not like the world and He can do far more abundantly than what we could think or ask (Ephesians 3:20), blessed is the Lord forever. I wrote on this extensively here.

15. Helps me to make new memories with my love ones and our Lord more pertinent while the bad memories are being overwritten. Some people thinks its difficult to memorize scripture, but they can recall every bad memories to the detail because they always review them - that was me before. There was a time that I daydream I had amnesia - actually many times, but that was before I have not yet stored so much scriptures in my heart. While I was memorizing Romans, regarding the righteousness of God that He wants to impart to us, it reminded me to repent my bad past and also some good ones for they are my self-righteousness and hopefully forget them so that the Lord can have space in my heart for more of his sanctifying power, thereby overwrite also anything that does not help me in my walk in Him. This link is the article I wrote when I added this benefit.

… to be continued.


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