
Showing posts from November, 2019

Progress Update for Romans - 2nd Chunk Done - Romans 11

This is continuation from the post Setback Happens - Just do it Anyway - Romans 10 . Just wanted to post this message I put in our Messenger group. Also I am glad to check that my average review chapters is 7 chapters a month - more than my 6 chapters target. This is the advantage that I updated the format to log the number chapters, although I had a setback due to some situation in my day job, there were days before that setback that I review more than 6 chapters and end up I am still within my target, the Lord is good!. Remember that a goal is only challenging if it is achievable, and seeing progress adds the motivation.   It has been my habit to look into my schedules and be inspired, in just few weeks I will complete Romans, actually if all goes well on Christmas I already have all the new verses memorized. My 5 year old son says, "Romans will be your Christmas gift!" yes indeed, and I will always treasure it in my heart!   I'd like to note I had

Setback Happens, Just Do It Anyway - Romans 10

2 Timothy 2:4 "No soldier gets entangled in civilian affairs, since his aim is to please the one who enlisted him." Before this post, I updated review methods . Also the last progress update of Romans is in this post ,  haven't written any insights due to this setback... I wish I could say that everyday I have the same level of enthusiasm and it always brings me joy and excitement to do all I have written in my daily schedules. As much as I want to put my mind in the things of the spirit, I could sometimes forget that verse (2 Timothy 2:4), and I could get entangled with a controversy in my day job (which is not profitable as discussed to Titus 3:9, so I better not talk about it here too) - just I have to mention that these kinds of things can succumb my thought life that hinders in this quest. At least now I have a thermometer of my level of peace, if I could not follow my daily plans, there is something wrong and I have to be sober minded and submit myself in pray

Reviewing Methods

Philippians 3:16 Only let us hold true to what we have attained. When the first time I memorize the new verses , that is the 'play' part, for the discovery brings so much joy and excitement which somehow I miss out when I just read the texts. The reviewing part is necessary to cement them to memory and could become a 'work' but for me its all worth it. In fact, I find insights and more understanding during reviewing times, even years after I had initially have stored them in my heart.  This is my favorite spot of reviewing, while on MRT on my way to work, near the door and facing the window so no one will be disturbed while I recite - trying to be as silent as I can. Recently I have tried to use a digital voice recorder to aid in my reviews. So when I recite a recent chapter I just memorized, I would record my voice, then check later it against my bible if anything I miss out. This is really helpful to detect any mistakes, so I would not cement the mista

Progress of Romans (1st Chunk Down) and Deciding Which Book is Next

The previous post before this is My Progress in Memorizing Romans (Chapters 4-6) The first chunk (Romans 1-5) is down halleluiah!, note that I initially posted this Romans Schedule Plan on this link .  I know this is a long way to go, this is the 9th book in my 5-Year Plan . Yet I am very happy and blessed to the insights I am having now, and yes I am now planning what should be the next one. Maybe I wont have the time and eloquence to express my insights but the Lord knows my heart more than any article or journal I wrote. I keep the running numbers and % of New Testament to encourage myself, now about 22% and a long way to go. Not that I perfectly memorized every verse but they all certainly precious for me, like money in a bank that I could use one day, but this is not like the low bank interest, this one is like an investment that pays more dividend than any other practices I do. More than that, every day - the day and moment I memorize my new verses brings me excitement a

Revised 5-Year Plan to Memorize New Testament (2019-2023) Note: 2nd Attempt That I didn't Achieved YET!

I was inspired from a post "You Can Memorize the New Testament" . Thus I created my initial ideal plan 5 year plan , which I posted on Dec 2015. However, I have a two year hiatus from 2017-2018 which I consider also a blessing for I know how was my life when I stopped this activity, then I have now revised my 5-year goal, in God's will and His grace. I've re-memorized my 8 books and Romans 8 from January to October 2019, in this image below at date of writing I am working on Romans. I'm praying for the Lord's strength to complete by end of 2023 and I am open to revise no matter what helps to complete this in God's grace. This excel file below has formulas and also has 2 days break or interval between books like a grace period, then I usually change 'Plan start date' depends if the 'Actual End Date' of the last book was different than planned. This time I have some brothers and sisters who are memorizing too thus I look forward it is g

My Progress in Memorizing Romans (Chapters 4-6)

My previous post before this is 'Another Day for Romans Memorization - Romans 3 and Read Through' .     Would like to note that if there is anything I would remember from Romans 4, it is to walk in the steps of our Abraham, to have faith base on the integrity of the promiser (Our God who gives life to the dead and calls to existence the things that do not exist) and not consider the circumstances (Abraham was 100 year old but no unbelief made him waver on the promise of God).   Romans 5 was the most difficult for me to memorize especially on Verses 15-21. If there is anything that rings me most, its the V17, we who receive the abundance of grace and free gift of righteousness will reign in life through our Lord Jesus Christ, I paraphrased and emphasized. This chapter also inspires me to write about additional benefit in this activity and created this article 'Precious Memories Over Bad Experiences' .   Today I memorized 6:5-11, I was dancing out of joy 

Precious Memories Over Bad Experiences

The previous post which I was inspired for this article is in this link  My Progress in Memorizing Romans (Chapters 4-6).   Philippians 3:13 - Brothers, I do not consider that I have made it my own. But one thing I do: forgetting what lies behind and straining forward to what lies ahead   2 Corinthians 5:17-21 - Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation. The old has passed away; behold, the new has come.   Have you watched a movie or heard a story about someone who had amnesia and forgotten all including the bad memories he or she had and turned out to be a blessing for he can start a new fresh life? I had watched many that even those villain became suddenly a good person, or maybe they had found their knight in shining armor who saved them and accepted them no matter what their past was. Well that might be a fantasy but actually we can see that even Paul has not made it himself to forget some unfortunate past. He used to recall that he was then a blaspheme