Progress of Romans (1st Chunk Down) and Deciding Which Book is Next

The previous post before this is My Progress in Memorizing Romans (Chapters 4-6)

The first chunk (Romans 1-5) is down halleluiah!, note that I initially posted this Romans Schedule Plan on this link.  I know this is a long way to go, this is the 9th book in my 5-Year Plan. Yet I am very happy and blessed to the insights I am having now, and yes I am now planning what should be the next one. Maybe I wont have the time and eloquence to express my insights but the Lord knows my heart more than any article or journal I wrote.

I keep the running numbers and % of New Testament to encourage myself, now about 22% and a long way to go. Not that I perfectly memorized every verse but they all certainly precious for me, like money in a bank that I could use one day, but this is not like the low bank interest, this one is like an investment that pays more dividend than any other practices I do. More than that, every day - the day and moment I memorize my new verses brings me excitement and happiness (in exception to some I do not know how to describe like John 19 the sufferings of Christ)

Planning for the Next Book

It's refreshing for me to read my post 3 years ago: 'I Declare All Out War Against Sin' when I memorized 1st John. Actually this is the last book I memorized before my 2 years hiatus. I've already re-memorized all other books in God's strength except for this one and embarked now in a new book Romans - one reason is the nature is a little repeating and difficult to memorize, but the bigger reason is this is a very convicting book on the 'keeps-in-sinning' verse below 1 John 3:16 for example that not easy to hear, much more to meditate if we know in our hearts we have some conflicting thoughts or anything we continue to do that are not in the faith. For we really do not want to sin but we do not always have the ability to carry out what the Spirit leads us, this was tackled really very well in Romans. I know I am far than perfect, but I am not talking about mortal sins like literal murder or adultery but for example unbelief, worry or not trusting God enough, anger when provoked, we stumble in what we say, or things like knowingly squandering time like for my case before I watched too much TV which I am thankful the Lord has helped me. I've needed to understand more of the grace of God in Romans and I believe I am ready to tackle this maybe after Romans, knowing the abundance of grace of God and the free gift of righteousness, through our Lord Jesus Christ. The more I memorize, the more I feel humbled because I know I really have to rely on His grace and His strength. I needed to hear that sin will not have dominion over me because I am under grace, its like resting in the love and peace that our Lord keeps on pouring in my heart while striving to be imitators of our holy God. Blessed be the Lord forever!

1 John 3:16

 No one who abides in him keeps on sinning; no one who keeps on sinning has either seen him or known him.

Ephesians 5:1 

Therefore be imitators of God as beloved children.

My next post is about a setback in my schedule.


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