My Progress in Memorizing Romans (Chapters 4-6)

Would like to note that if there is anything I would remember from Romans 4, it is to walk in the steps of our Abraham, to have faith base on the integrity of the promiser (Our God who gives life to the dead and calls to existence the things that do not exist) and not consider the circumstances (Abraham was 100 year old but no unbelief made him waver on the promise of God).
Romans 5 was the most difficult for me to memorize especially on Verses 15-21. If there is anything that rings me most, its the V17, we who receive the abundance of grace and free gift of righteousness will reign in life through our Lord Jesus Christ, I paraphrased and emphasized. This chapter also inspires me to write about additional benefit in this activity and created this article 'Precious Memories Over Bad Experiences'.
Today I memorized 6:5-11, I was dancing out of joy in our meeting room (that was lunchtime, I am sure I locked the door so no one will see and think I am getting crazy!). We are now set free from sin, we should consider our self dead to sin and alive in God in Christ Jesus! reading ahead to v16 says that sin will have no dominion over us because we are not under law but under grace, halleluiah! (I think I am ready for memorizing 1st John after Romans)


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