Progress Update for Romans - 2nd Chunk Done - Romans 11

This is continuation from the post Setback Happens - Just do it Anyway - Romans 10. Just wanted to post this message I put in our Messenger group. Also I am glad to check that my average review chapters is 7 chapters a month - more than my 6 chapters target. This is the advantage that I updated the format to log the number chapters, although I had a setback due to some situation in my day job, there were days before that setback that I review more than 6 chapters and end up I am still within my target, the Lord is good!. Remember that a goal is only challenging if it is achievable, and seeing progress adds the motivation.

It has been my habit to look into my schedules and be inspired, in just few weeks I will complete Romans, actually if all goes well on Christmas I already have all the new verses memorized. My 5 year old son says, "Romans will be your Christmas gift!" yes indeed, and I will always treasure it in my heart!
I'd like to note I had spoken to a nonbeliever yesterday, in our office there is a rule not to speak about any religious faith, but I don't hide I am a Christian - I am a proud one, I just try to be low profile and being sensitive also not to give unsolicited sharing. So she is vocal to me that she is so annoyed with a Christian who keep on asking her to attend the church - and also she is so irritated with her that always say "in God's will" or "in His grace" or "If He will".


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