Another Day for Romans Memorization - Romans 3 and Read Through

I remember a verse David prayed 'Restore to me the joy of your salvation', I kind of need to pray this sometimes when the mediocre of life makes me forget the great things we already have. That joy is something I love to savor which I did today in so much gratitude to our Lord.

Today I am on leave for the required vaccine for Henry, my 2-year-old son. By the way, we only take the required ones because if we don't he won't be allowed to enroll in schools in Singapore. I believe the Lord is our protection in everything but we have to follow the law of the land.

So today I recited Romans 1st chapter while on shower and Romans 2nd chapter while traveling to the clinic. Then I went to a mall named Jems, I bought my favorite drink 'Teh Kah Si' with my simple pleasure 'Roti Prata' (somehow this food reminds me of Romans 8) and enjoyed my snack while reciting my recently memorized verses in Romans 3. Aside from food, sometimes I associate the place I were when I memorize the verses, for example I was beside a noisy street with truck engines while memorizing Romans 1. Then I was memorizing Romans 2 mostly while we were on the trip to Batam, Indonesia last weekend, and now I will surely remember the water park on Jems mall for Romans 3.

After memorizing my new verses for the day, I read the whole chapter. But today I am quite thrilled as if I am reading this book for the first time and so I continued, then I reach my memorized chapter Romans 8th which seems means a whole new thing for me together with the other chapters. Then I continued till the end of the book. Its like I am watching a very exciting movie, and at times I would frown for I am guilty of what it says as I see the truth to myself, wretched man I was, then I would smile when it talks about the grace of our Lord and my heart leap for joy to get the insights I have never thought about before. Like there was one thing I was guilty about which I took literally before (no I don't want to share it, I was so naïve in understanding the scripture then for I took it out of context) which now I didn't worry about. Maybe no one can understand how I feel until they go through this kind of experience. I do experience the James verses that says 'if we draw to God, He will also draw near to us'.

When I was younger (I think I wasn't a Christian) it was like a chore to read the Bible, it was hard to understand too. However when I was converted in heart (my rather long testimony), as I dip my self to study them my interest just gets deeper that I have to watch myself and the time else I would forget that I have other responsibilities to do. Today is another day I am grateful of the imputed righteousness of God in us because of the redemption that is in our Lord Jesus. Praise the Lord!

My next post after this is posted here for chapters 4-6


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