
Showing posts from October, 2019

New Verses Memorization

My method has evolved many times, as discussed here . I have separated my method for memorizing new verses. First of all, I prepare my daily excel schedule beforehand. I realized that when I am at work, if before my new verses memorization would depend on how busy my work is, for example if I was too busy and or stressed, I could not do my memorization at all, but in God's grace now and being mindful what is my priority - I was able to set aside whatever burden and do this task whatever the situation is, the quality and quantity may differ but I will do it daily. The irony is if things gets busy like 3rd or 4th working day (but not too much) I could take in more than my schedule like 8 verses compared to a normal day, and I if things are really so busy (or its more of if my job requires more thinking) then I would take lesser like 1-3 new verses. I believe the regularity or doing it on the same time of the day really makes this thing work. This is how I do to avoid distraction a

Another Day for Romans Memorization - Romans 3 and Read Through

I remember a verse David prayed 'Restore to me the joy of your salvation', I kind of need to pray this sometimes when the mediocre of life makes me forget the great things we already have. That joy is something I love to savor which I did today in so much gratitude to our Lord. Today I am on leave for the required vaccine for Henry, my 2-year-old son. By the way, we only take the required ones because if we don't he won't be allowed to enroll in schools in Singapore. I believe the Lord is our protection in everything but we have to follow the law of the land. So today I recited Romans 1st chapter while on shower and Romans 2nd chapter while traveling to the clinic. Then I went to a mall named Jems, I bought my favorite drink 'Teh Kah Si' with my simple pleasure 'Roti Prata' (somehow this food reminds me of Romans 8) and enjoyed my snack while reciting my recently memorized verses in Romans 3. Aside from food, sometimes I associate the place I were wh

My Progress in Memorizing Romans (Chapters 1-3)

18 October 2019 In God's grace I have memorized Romans 1 in 7 days (13th - 17th Oct) - that is I can recite without the bible even how rough it is, for my memory's sake I put below my message to our group. 22 Oct 2019 While doing daily review for 1st chapter of Romans, I memorized the Romans 2 from 18th to 22nd Oct, this chapter is quite short. I felt so humbled for I know we all have passed judgement in our life regarding those who practice things in Romans 1. 23-Oct-19 I wasn't really so diligent to review my older books and lately on evenings I use to peak on the bible while reciting them. My target is to be able to recite all the books without the bible, unless small things like a forgotten word. Thus to achieve this, after I review in the evening and when I notice I needed to peak in the bible, I put them on next morning review while I am more relaxed and fresh. Thus, I change my daily schedule format to add the 'Plan for morning' with actual in b

Forgetfulness and Memorizing

My Journal Like other people who says they are forgetful that is why they are doing Bible memorization, same is true for me, maybe I'm the foremost in being forgetful - that is why I am doing this as my preparation. This is a weakness I can boast so that the Lord's power may dwell on me. Well maybe if I have a removable body part I have already lost it! That is why I gave up using eyeglasses and rely in the Lord's grace that my eyesight is enough for my daily living needs. I remember then that whenever I leave my eyeglasses (the grade I remember was 300 and 500), I could not function well and gives me headaches that is why I resolve to not use any eyeglass (and I can't risk on contact lenses either, what if I sleep with it!) , the Lord is faithful who provides what I needed daily. In fact I found my old journal I wrote 18 years ago on my college days, that my problem is being so forgetful.  To continue above thought, I know I am not perfect but I believe that

Preparing Daily Schedules for Memorization

14-Oct-19   Luke 14:28 For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?     As they say if you do not have a plan, you plan to fail - on some cases like this goal, I find it true. If we don't put a definite method and schedule, including backup plans, it just becomes a wish, for a goal is defined as a dream with a deadline. By the way, I work in IT field and I know how important a good plan is. I usually prepare my daily schedule about a month ahead then re-visit and revise when it comes. Its just easier to wake up in the morning and know exactly what to do, my flesh won't complain, I can reject the voices that says  'that's not gonna work' because its so systematic (for me at least) and I've done it over and over already. Unless the Lord permits something that consumes my thought life then that's the one I continue to pray, that He guard me and keeps me from the evil one

Trying to Understand Why Paul wrote to the Romans

Since I am too inspired on this Romans memorization, I started earlier than I should but I give myself more grace and just take in a couple of verse a day, so now I have 4 verses memorized roughly. In my last schedule I suppose to start on 13-Oct-2019 but well it just becomes a habit to memorize a new verse at least one a day. For me, when there is a new book that I would like to memorize, I try to research the setting like why it is written, who, when, etc. and all other facts I could get. This video below (if below video doesn't play,  this link  might work, its the same) I find this as good resource, this is first of two parts, I'll post later when I watch the second part. The preacher's motive is to unlock the bible, like a key to understand the book. Now I don't believe in everything  immediately of course, since I know he is a man, all of us may have different insight. He  said will not 'spoon feed' us, we have to do our own work too, he tries to show

Romans Project with Other Memorizers

11 Oct 2019 I am so glad that I have finished the Gospel of John, though I am still in some daily and weekly reviews. Today I am very happy to say that for the first time I have known some people that are willing to be 'accountability partners', yes... just last post I was praying for an accountability partner and the Lord answered me with not just one but two, and maybe more as we decided to wait a bit more to recruit some who would be willing and maybe gather together to celebrate once we finish this maybe around February 2020. I'm already inspired that we were brought together by the Lord to encourage each other. I have tried memorizing Romans two years ago but I stopped after 3 days and that was when I have a long hiatus of memorization. Now I would like to make sure by having some other likeminded brothers and sisters on this journey to help each other on the way. One brother messaged me separately asking me how long it took me to memorize John as he wanted to me

Memorizing Plan for the Book of Romans (Progress of John and NT Reading Times)

Oct 9, 2019 I’m on the last chapter of Gospel of John already as below schedule and planning for my next book already. You've notice I gave a lot of grace to myself on my schedule. Two days ago I haven't reviewed any old book and then yesterday I memorized 1 verse only as I am not feeling so well, so I take a day off from work today and I just changed the plan that suites me.  Here I am after feeling quite well rested in the Lord's help, planning for my next book already, this is one of a critical part which I already got the hang of it and loving this stage, like a kick-off. I thank the Lord for giving me the motivation I need although I still couldn't find a partner to memorize with, if you know anyone please contact me (, even you're in the other side of the world! I’ve chosen Romans because I’ve read a few Christian blogs that they have memorized this book too and found so much insight. This is more known as the Gospel acco

My Memorization Method and Schedule - Gospel of John on Final Month

Note that this is one of the series posts I created and summary is in Memorizing Methods page.   2-Oct-2019  My memorization method is almost similar to Andew Davis link here  but I modified it by not memorizing the references. I did write before this in this link when I first tried to memorize John though now I don't follow religiously the steps like 10 times reciting, I use lesser effort since I notice I became better on this as years goes by.  To give the insight above is my enhanced format of my daily memorization, currently on Gospel of John. To refresh, my method is daily 6 verses (just happens I am re-memorizing John that is why sometimes I put more verses on some days). I always remind myself the benefits I am reaping , and it naturally makes it easier for me to follow my schedules. Sometimes I would also get motivations from blogs of those who also memorize. Columns from Left to Right: A -  Date of the month, ex. 1st Oct, B -  Day of the week, M

"The Great Wall" Movie and The Christian Battle

28 Sep 2019 - Saturday I've recorded from Fox TV this movie the 'The Great Wall'. The first time I watched this was when our company has a free movie night - to show courtesy for the effort of the company to bring us together for bonding. I know this movie does not glorify the God I worship and it is a fantasy movie but this reminds me of the real battle Christians are facing. While that movie is war in the natural eyes although its made up, our Christian walk is an unseen battle which takes toll of our real life. So the enemies in the movie were scary 'Tao Tei' - they are like dragon, half crocodile and size of two elephants. They have a queen who gives orders and signals - so similar to the kingdom of Satan, only thing Satan can disguise as an angel of light, well if he looked like these monster he wouldn't easily lure many people. After the initial attack, Matt Damon asked 'will they come back?' the General answered 'yes, all we can do is prepar