Preparing Daily Schedules for Memorization

Luke 14:28 For which of you, desiring to build a tower, does not first sit down and count the cost, whether he has enough to complete it?
As they say if you do not have a plan, you plan to fail - on some cases like this goal, I find it true. If we don't put a definite method and schedule, including backup plans, it just becomes a wish, for a goal is defined as a dream with a deadline. By the way, I work in IT field and I know how important a good plan is.
I usually prepare my daily schedule about a month ahead then re-visit and revise when it comes. Its just easier to wake up in the morning and know exactly what to do, my flesh won't complain, I can reject the voices that says 'that's not gonna work' because its so systematic (for me at least) and I've done it over and over already. Unless the Lord permits something that consumes my thought life then that's the one I continue to pray, that He guard me and keeps me from the evil one.

As discussed in my earlier post, part of my planning is to try to review about 6 chapters a day by  adding 'Review Past Latest' and 'Review Older Books'. Ideally review of 6 chapters is about 20-30 minutes but if it is rusty then I may have more time. For example 1 Timothy first half schedule has been rusty on Saturday, so I look up in bible some missed verses or words then after reciting without the bible I put that again in the next day review (this is like a backup - contingency plan). The next day if I can review them without the bible then I move it to the next empty spot maybe after a week or two instead of its original Monthly review. Also, I had no pressure at all to have to recite it perfectly since I am not planning to perform to other people. This is something between me and my Lord, if He calls me to - I will follow, if He gives me the strength too. For now, my children don't mind me reciting with them around. In fact, my 5-year-old will correct me when I use wrong sequence of phase in John 1 (I could sometimes interchange "..will of the flesh.." and "..will of man" in 1:13 - since he memorized the first 14 verses)

For now, I'd like to note this exactly how I'm doing it so that it becomes easier for the next books ahead. I looked back how my schedules were three years back, it has evolved so much. Last time I was trying to do so much, that just doesn't work in long run. For now I had 21% of the New Testament, I'm thrilled how it would look after few more months and years of memorizing.
I am still open to improve my method and scheduling. If I can find the minimal time needed in lesser effort that would be great since I am still working full time, having kids and all the demands of life. Well it becomes a habit and its something I look forward. You know, they say those who works in IT usually are "lazy" to do inefficient or redundant tasks, they will find ways to simplify and do things better, maybe use the right tool, anyway way to do things faster with lesser effort so we can focus on other things that might pop up that needs our attention. So I try to automate those I can automate like I put excel formulas in my schedules.
I love doing this activity and looking forward to it daily yet I am open to reality that there will be days I would be extra busy or that my flesh isn't supporting me like when sick, so a good plan and just walking the plan and then if necessary, use the backup plan - really makes things easier for me. The more important part is to transform them to wisdom and apply as the situation needs, and have the strength from the Lord to obey them, so I always pray the Holy Spirit may prompt me the right words I stored in my heart when the circumstance arise.

Maybe this daily schedule planning doesn't look simple but I got the hang of it. The good news is God already prepared beforehand the plan for my life and all those He called, that planning we don't have to worry, we've just got to walk in them, as in the verse below, as a result of His saving grace. I may not be able to trust myself and my own plans but I trust the Lord's purposes will stand.

Ephesians 2:10
For we are his workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand, that we should walk in them. (emphasis mine)

Proverbs 19:21
Many are the plans in the mind of a man, but it is the purpose of the LORD that will stand.

Recently I've updated to add 2 first few columns right after the date - which I also note inside this next article on my progress in Romans. I thought it is easier for me if its in order from left to right means morning, noon and evening.

Just would like to note that the latest format of above appeared in New Verses Memorization. I modified to add the 'Difficult to review' portions in the 'Plan for morning'. Also I added the last column to count the total chapter reviewed - this is to assess if I can increase on this area without being overwhelmed.


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