"The Great Wall" Movie and The Christian Battle

28 Sep 2019 - Saturday

I've recorded from Fox TV this movie the 'The Great Wall'. The first time I watched this was when our company has a free movie night - to show courtesy for the effort of the company to bring us together for bonding. I know this movie does not glorify the God I worship and it is a fantasy movie but this reminds me of the real battle Christians are facing. While that movie is war in the natural eyes although its made up, our Christian walk is an unseen battle which takes toll of our real life. So the enemies in the movie were scary 'Tao Tei' - they are like dragon, half crocodile and size of two elephants. They have a queen who gives orders and signals - so similar to the kingdom of Satan, only thing Satan can disguise as an angel of light, well if he looked like these monster he wouldn't easily lure many people. After the initial attack, Matt Damon asked 'will they come back?' the General answered 'yes, all we can do is prepare'. Now I know that the enemy will always ready to devour us, 'to steal, kill and destroy', and we need to prepare for this war, the preparation I am doing is diligently hiding his word in my heart to be always prepared on the dangers lurking.

The enemy has become craftier after thousand of years. Same on that movie, the enemy knows that once he got the General killed, it would be easier for him to win over the battle - so one weird night only one Tao Tei came to the 'great wall' and targeted to kill the General discretely, the General didn't know this was coming. Now I could feel this seem to be true in our Christian life, the enemy would try to attack the head of the family first, most of the time the Pastors would have great temptations.

For me I will always do my best to be sober (but I still fail sometimes and far from perfect) yet I will continue to prepare and fight the good fight of faith and to anchor my little ones to love the Word of God. It is written that we with unveiled face beholding the glory of our Lord and being transformed from one degree of glory to another, I trust the Lord will complete the work He has started on me.

I could think that 'Great Wall' is the door of our heart, maybe our eyes and ears. We should always guard that the enemies lies would be able to penetrate into our hearts.

In that movie, the 'magnet' can make the 'Tao Tei' motionless, I could compare that to the Holy Spirit and the Sword is the Word of God. On the first time they saw the Tao Tei, Matt Damon easily killed one while he has the magnet in his bag and slay it by the swing of his sword. See how I try to put an analogy with that movie to our battle, maybe its not obvious, and most of all as I saw the soldier's armors, I remember these important verses in Ephesians 6 13-18 for our weapons on our spiritual battle.

Ephesians 6 : 13-18

 Therefore take up the whole armor of God, that you may be able to withstand in the evil day, and having done all, to stand firm. Stand therefore, having fastened on the belt of truth, and having put on the breastplate of righteousness, and, as shoes for your feet, having put on the readiness given by the gospel of peace.  In all circumstances take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming darts of the evil one;  and take the helmet of salvation, and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God,  praying at all times in the Spirit, with all prayer and supplication.


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